Communication: To often we listen to respond instead of listening to understand. The next time your spouse is talking to you, make sure you are listening to understand. There are two things that you can do to help ensure this is happening. First, do not be thinking of what you are going to say while they are talking. If you are doing that you are NOT listening to understand. Second, when your spouse has finished summarize in your own words what you think he/she was saying and ask if that is correct. Make sure you truly understand before you respond. If you assume you understand instead of truly understanding, this is where real problems begin in communication.
A client once asked me, “How can I ensure that I don’t mess my kids up?” As I pondered that question my initial thought was you can’t ensure that. But God gave me a different answer. This is what I said, “Love them. Make sure they know you love them unconditionally.” We were created for connection. The psychology world calls this attachment. Parents, if you are raising kids, make sure they know you love them. Does that mean they won’t be “messed up” or not have any problems? Of course not but it does mean that even when they have problems, mess ups, etc they will know that you have their back, that they can go to you because they won’t doubt your love. They will know whatever problem they have gotten into, that you will walk through it with them, that they are not alone. Remember we are created for connection, connection to God and to people. Your kids need to know that you love them and you will always be there for them. We will talk more in future tips what they does and doesn’t look like but for now, for today, tell your kids you love them. Let them know you are there for them. Let them know how grateful you are that you are their parent.